Misa Pequena Para Ninos - Full Score/Instrumental Parts


Misa Pequena Para Ninos - Full Score/Instrumental Parts


SSA and Piano

Recommended for: Middle School and Older

Optional Instrumentation: Flute, clarinet in Bb, harp, piano, violin I, violin II, viola, cello, bass

Note: Individual movements can be performed on their own or in smaller sets

An original mass setting specially written for young voices. Introduces a variety of familiar classical techniques, from the solemn call and response of priest and congregation to the lively canonic Gloria, all written in a fresh and engaging style that children will love to sing.


1 . Señor, Ten Piedad (Lord, Have Mercy)

2. Gloria a Dios (Glory to God)

3. Creo en Dios (Credo)

4. Santo, Santo, Santo (Holy, Holy, Holy)

5. Cordero de Dios (Lamb of God)

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